
Crushing experiences for 50 years

The crushing plant located at our Heinola recycling center in Finland turns 50 this year. The development and industrialisation of vehicle recycling in Finland began in the 1970s following investments made by Kuusakoski and the introduction of a new crushing plant.

We have been a pioneer in the recycling and processing technology of vehicle metals since 1972 when the Heinola vehicle crushing plant started its operation. The crushing plant manufactured by the German company Lindeman was the first of its kind in Finland.

The industrialisation of vehicle recycling in Finland began in the 1970s following investments made by Kuusakoski. 

Processing end-of-life vehicles became much more efficient when the separations of materials from crushed vehicles could be done industrially. Thanks to new technical solutions, Kuusakoski´s recycling center at Heinola became one of the most versatile recycling centers in the world during the first 10 years.

The massive vehicle crushing plant can process about 35-50 tons of metal scrap per hour. If one passenger car weighs about 1000 kilos on average, then about 35-50 cars end up to shredder per hour.

Crushing process is an impressive experience.

Many guests have never seen what everyday recycling operations involve in practice. Often the most impressive experience for first-timers is when we get to follow the vehicle crushing process, demonstrating the forces at work in the initial stages of car recycling. The crusher’s hammers break up the car into fist-sized pieces in a matter of seconds. This is the start of a comprehensive material separation process that continues down the line.

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An historical photo of the birthday hero from a few decades ago.

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This is the cover page of the first brochure of the crushing plant. The Finnish title of the brochure tells how a useless destroyer of nature, i.e. an end-of-life vehicle, ends up as raw material for industry.

By the way, did you know that a whopping 95 % of end-of life vehicle materials can be utilised in Finland? An end-of-life vehicle enjoys a complete cycle at Kuusakoski. All materials are also further processed in Finland.

vehicle recycling crushing plant end-of-life vehicles