Reuse IT equipment

We organise an auction for reuse IT equipment once a month. The devices are modern and usually in excellent shape - therefore the prices are distinctly higher than those regarding scrap electronics.

Do you want to participate? Send an email to and we will add you to our auction distribution list.

How we operate

Subscribe to our information letter

Fill in the form that can be found on this page, and you will be added to our distribution list.

We only work with companies of high ethical standards (see our Code of Conduct for further information)

Auction once a month

We will send you a list of the devices and further infromation. This happens once a month, and you can make the decision every time whether or not to participate in the auction.

The auction is a closed auction, so you will not see the offers from other participants.

Winning offer

If your offer is the highest, we will contact you.

Before the sale, we will check your company's credit information.